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Sunday Spotlight: Christina Grimmie's "Rule The World"

I just listened to the new Christina Grimmie song (which feels great to say) and I’m happy to say it’s another great song (also great to say)! Rule The World which, while written by just Christina Grimmie, is sung as a duet by both Grimmie and up and coming 16 year old singer Ryan Brown. The song is a catchy anthem that is great to get your energy up and would have been played all over the radio if Grimmie was able to give Rule The World the tour and publicity it deserves.

If that wasn’t impressive enough for a song that was never even initially planned to be released, the song was also written when Grimmie was only 16 years old! If nothing else the song shows how she was talented even then and considering when the song must have been recorded the sound quality is remarkably high. Briefly touching on Ryan Brown’s contribution to the song, she is able to match up with Grimmie very well which is no easy feat when Grimmie is obviously not able to likewise change to match up when necessary to Brown.

While there is and will always be only one Christina Grimmie it does feel great to know that she is able to help out a fellow up and coming singer even now. Hopefully being featured on this song helps propel Ryan Brown to new heights and keeps the legacy of Christina Grimmie alive and well. Give the song a listen, the lyrics aren’t anything particularly special but when they are sung as well as they are it doesn’t even matter!