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Welcome to the Brooks Blog

Post By Lauren Brooks

As a West Chester University rising senior, I am actively looking for local internships and opportunities to gain more knowledge in my field of marketing and communications. It is incredibly important to gain hands on experience before you step out into the real world. Internships give you a chance to explore different sub groups in your field and understand what you like before you start applying for full time jobs. This spring I will venture into the job interviewing process. As scary as this may be, I am feeling ready to venture outside my comfort zone, start making money and do what I love everyday: marketing.

Currently am in the application and interview process at my dream company QVC, for several different digital advertising and marketing positions. As of right now, I am very interested in the Digital Advertising field and Influencer Marketing jobs. The job descriptions, qualifications and daily tasks seem like a perfect fit for me.

This year is a big year: senior year of college. Everyone is struggling to find internships, edit their resumes and LinkedIn profiles to perfection and interview with the best companies in the area. As  our generation enters this unique transition time between school and our careers, it is important to remember advice and tips I have collected the past year from professors, employers, friends who have graduated and my parents:  

1. You will not land your dream job right away, and that is okay!
Everyone always expects to graduate from college and start working at their dream job. However, in reality this is probably not going to happen. Even if you happen to land a dream job, there will be things you do not like about it and you may come to realize you are more interested in a different sub field of your major! Anything good, takes time.

2. Every interview is a learning experience, whether you get the job or not.
I have had several interviews where I did not get the job, or I left feeling like it could’ve gone better. These are all situations that are preparing you for the interview you will ace and land the job!

3. Enjoy the time left you have in school without the world’s responsibilities.
Embrace the moments of stress due to overloads of homework and late nights studying for exams with friends from your classes. This may never happen again and you will miss it!

4. You know more than you think.
Each of the classes you have taken in college have taught you something important that you will need later on in life. The employers that are hiring you know a lot, but do not feel intimidated! You have a lot to offer as well.

Overall, my current position is a college student, searching intern, and eventual digital marketer. The early 20s is a stressful time, but it is important to embrace the unknown and enjoy every second.