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Statement by Andrew McKeough on the Inauguration of President Joseph Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | January 20, 2021

Just moments ago we witnessed history as Joe Biden was sworn in as our nation’s 46th President and Kamala Harris as our nation’s 49th - and first African-American, Asian-American and woman - Vice President! I would like to extend my deepest congratulations to both President Biden and Vice President Harris on this truly historic day!

In President Biden’s Inaugural Address, we listened as he laid out his and Vice President Harris’s plan for their administration. He said that, “We have come so far, but we have far to go. […] much to repair, much to heal.” That could not be further from the truth. We have - in the past year alone - come so far, and been through so much together as a nation.

President Biden will be the President who is tasked with restoring and healing our country. This isn’t an easy task, but it is one that I firmly believe that President Biden and Vice President Harris will be able to accomplish. That will pave the path for future Americans to be able to breathe the same freedoms that we are instilled with through the constitution. President Biden said, “With unity, we can do great things!”

President Biden mentioned how Saint Augustine said that we are defined by the common objects that surround us. In the true spirit of Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas of Villanova, Villanova University’s motto is Veritas, Unitas, Caritas. Those words mean love thy neighbor, promote community unity, and live life in moderation through charity. Three words that I think about each day and that guide myself and my devotion to my country each day. Let us live by veritas, unitas, and caritas. We can do this. Together.

Though the struggle is real and ever present, we must stand united. We can no longer let this deep divide continue to separate us. The only separation must be through social distancing; until that too is a piece of history. One day - like today - this will all be a part of history. An important part of history that we have the chance to right. Through unity as President Biden spoke to today. President Biden also spoke to how America has never failed. It has not. Our democracy works because we - in the end - realize that we stand together as one country and that our democracy is greater than any one man, woman or political belief.

We have witnessed some of the darkest days in recent American history. However - starting today - we look forward to a brighter future full of hope and determination. We still have a long way to go in order to restore our country to the democracy that we are admired for across the globe.

Let today be an example that American democracy works and - in the end - will always prevail. We stand together as one country, united, not divided. We are all blessed with the freedoms that our country gives us. Let’s use those freedoms to begin to build back better and restore our American democracy.

-Andrew K. McKeough