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Statement by Andrew McKeough on Gun Violence


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | January 23, 2023

Statement by Andrew McKeough on Gun Violence

We awake today in the aftermath of yet another senseless act of gun violence. The loss of innocent lives is a tragedy that cannot be ignored, and it is time for us to come together as a nation to take action.

Gun violence is not a new problem in America, but it is one that has reached a crisis point. Every day, we are confronted with stories of mass shootings, domestic violence, and suicide, all of which are fueled by easy access to firearms. These acts of violence tear apart families, communities, and the fabric of our society.

We must take a hard look at the root causes of gun violence and take action to address them. This includes strengthening background checks, closing loopholes in the system, and restricting access to certain types of weapons. We must also invest in mental health resources and support programs that help to prevent violence before it occurs.

But we must not forget that this is not just a problem of policy, it is a problem of culture. We need to have a national conversation about the role that guns play in our society and the responsibility that comes with owning a firearm. We need to work together to create a culture that values life and prioritizes the safety of our communities.

This is a complex and difficult problem, but it is one that we must face head-on. No one should have to live in fear of gun violence, and it is time for us to take action to create a safer and more peaceful world for all.

-Andrew K. McKeough