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Statement by Andrew McKeough on the passing of Congressman John Lewis


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | July 18, 2020

Statement by Andrew McKeough on the
passing of Congressman John Lewis

Last night, when I received the news that Congressman John Lewis had passed away, I was truly sadden and left with now words to describe the feeling of personal loss and the loss to our country. Rep. Lewis was truly a modern-day national hero. Fighting injustice and inequality in our country on a daily basis. The first time I saw Rep. Lewis was truly one of the most amazing encounters of my life. It was at the 2016 Liberty Medal ceremony where he was being honored for his service to our country at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. In previous years, I had gotten to witness this prestigious medal placed around the necks of great american and international icons from Muhammad Ali to Prime Minister Tony Blair. However, I never thought anyone was more deserving of this medal than Rep. Lewis. The awarding of the Liberty Medal is meant to “honor men and women of courage and conviction who strive to secure the blessings of liberty to people around the globe.” I have never seen anyone more deserving who practiced those words on a daily basis than Rep. Lewis.

Rep. Lewis’s extraordinary life and journey cannot be forgotten. It is up to us - his country - to continue his legacy and fight for the justice and equality that he fought for with every breath of his life. People talk about “giants” and figures who are “saint like”. I don’t think Rep. Lewis would consider himself one of those. I think that all he wanted to do is to effect change in government and across the United States and throughout the world. His message has impacted so many over his short 80 years as a part of America’s history but we must not let those years be forgotten; we must continue his mission and stand with those who are forgotten.

I send all my deepest sympathies to his son John-Miles and the entire Lewis family during this time of sadness as we celebrate the man that was a true change-maker. May peace be with you all.

-Andrew K. McKeough