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Statement by Andrew McKeough on the passing of Nick Cordero


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | July 6, 2020

Statement by Andrew McKeough on the passing of Nick Cordero

I was truly sadden to hear the news that Nick had passed away yesterday. No amount of tears, thoughts or prayers could make this situation any better. I find solace in knowing that after a strong and powerful 95 day battle with Coronavirus, Nick is finally at peace and one with the angels of heaven. Nick's battle with the virus should not be forgotten as it shows us the true horror of what it's capable of. We need to be able to breathe again and we won't ever be able to do that until everyone takes a moment to think about how their actions are impacting others around them. Social distance. Wear a mask. Create a safe environment for yourself and those around you and remember Nick's journey. Amanda, Elvis and all of Nick's family and friends have been - and will continue to be - what I look for in the word strength. May you all be at peace during this difficult time.

-Andrew K. McKeough