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Update on Presidential Inauguration 2021


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | December 16, 2020

Update on Presidential Inauguration 2021

WASHINGTON - As per an update received today from the Joint Congressional Committee on Inauguration Ceremonies (JCCIC). Due to COVID-19 safety concerns, President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris have asked that Americans celebrate this historic event from the safety of their homes.

After consulting with public health officials on how best to mitigate the spread of COVID19, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will not hold the traditional mass gathering on the National Mall for swearing-in and attendance will be significantly limited.

“The election of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris was historic and we know that many Americans would have wanted to attend the Inauguration in-person. At the same time, safety must be our top priority,” said Senator Amy Klobuchar. “While the pandemic has forced us to limit in-person attendance, it also brings opportunities to honor our democracy in innovative ways so that Americans across the country can experience Inauguration Day from home.”

To this end, AKSM Media has decided that it is in the best interest of the public health of both our talent members and the American public not to attend the inaugural ceremonies in person. Instead, the JCCIC will be making the event accessible to the American people through enhanced virtual opportunities to watch and participate in the inauguration.

More solidified decisions and plans will be released and announced throughout January; some may be announced as late as January 16th as we continue to follow coronavirus precautions.