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Remarks by Esther Yoon at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | July 3, 2020

Remarks by Esther Yoon at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison

Longue Vue Club, Verona, PA

7:14 PM EST

MISS YOON: Um, I am going to start off with Greg because I’ve known you for less time [Laughter]. Hopefully that makes sense. Um, and we’ve known each other for a little over three and a half [Pause] three-and-a-half [Pause] years [Laughter] you’ll get it. [Laughter] Do you not get it? [Laughter] Okay, anyways, just had to get that out of the way. And we’re done! Done with that! Um, but I remember - I don’t know if you do but - it was the first day of class for you, ever, um, at college and it was Arabic class and there were not a lot of us because it was Arabic and we were just sitting there waiting for the professor - what, all seven of us? And no one was really talking and I think either we were all just so early or the professor was late, and you walked over to the board with this kid and you just wrote “Hola” [Laughter]. And I was like, “Who is this person?!” And that was my first introduction to you; and ever since then I’ve known you to be such a bright light. You’re so happy. You have invincible optimism. Um - yeah - you’re amazing!

Um, and then, Angel. I’ve known you for so much longer. For probably eight or so years. And four of them were in the context of being roommates or close-friends on campus. And, like Jamie said, you build people up. And you believe in them. And when you talk to somebody, you like see them. And - I don’t know - like you do that thing where you tilt your head and it’s like, I feel known. And I feel believed and I feel like you get me. And I know that you have that affect on everyone - that you come into contact with. You are like the change in this world. Um, I am so excited to see what more you’re going to do. But, I’ve already seen - like - the incredible things that you’ve done in your life and other people’s lives. And the two of you together, are unstoppable.

I’m so excited that you found each other because your friendship - but even more than that, your partnership - is such a beautiful thing to see. You guys compliment each other; and in some ways, I feel like you shouldn’t - like - you shouldn’t work because you’re so - like both of you are so - driven and bold and if you guys had slightly different ideas of what you wanted for your lives, it wouldn’t work out, because you both would want it. But for some reason, like it aligned and you guys are doing this together. And that’s crazy. Like what are the chances, that you get someone like that? Um, I’m so excited - I’m so thankful that I’ve gotten to witness your friendship and your lives together, up close, and I can’t wait to see - I’m going to miss you! So much! [Crying] I love you! [Applause].

7:17 PM EST