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Remarks by Greg Morrison to his Wedding Guests


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | July 3, 2020

Remarks by Greg Morrison to his Wedding Guests

Longue Vue Club, Verona, PA

7:21 PM EST

MR. MORRISON: So if you’ve been watching these speeches, most of the people who speak - most of the people speaking wind up crying by the end of it; but I’m already crying at the beginning, so like we’re not off to a good start here. But. My role tonight is, I want to say, first of all, thank you to everyone here. We are so grateful to have everyone in this room - you know - you people braved some crazy things going on right now; some unprecedented stuff going on and you came here to celebrate us because you love us and I just want to say from Angel and I, we love you all! Ah, we are so happy that you are here [Applause] so happy [Applause].

Yeah! Um, a couple of quick things I’ll say is - ah - first, to everyone that’s spoken tonight, I want to say thank you. Ah, I think Ron did a great job of thanking everyone else that needed to be thanked and I mean everyone here needs to be thanked, but he said some special thank yous. But one person that I really don’t think that has been thanked yet is him. So, Ron, I want to say thank you [Emotional Pause] from Angel and myself [Emotional Pause]. [Applause]. There's been a lot of people pulling strings to put this whole thing together; but, if it weren’t for Ron, no one would be pulling strings. That’s how I feel and I just want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Ah, so there’s that. We love you all! We’re excited to have a great time - okay - let’s forget there’s a virus outside these walls - maybe shouldn’t say that - but let’s party! Let’s have a good time! Let’s kick it off right! Let’s celebrate this marriage! And we’ll see you on the dance floor!

7:23 PM EST