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Remarks by Ronald Wolf at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | July 3, 2020

Remarks by Ronald Wolf at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison

Longue Vue Club, Verona, PA

7:01 PM EST

MR. WOLF: Ah, thank you for coming! I wanted to say - to start this off - I wanted to thank some special people. Ah, this wouldn’t have happened without some very dear friends of mine. And that’s Joe and Maureen McDonough, and Joe and Colleen Brasacchio. Ah, when things kept falling apart, you know, um, they networked out and they were able to [Pause] find us this club, find us a wedding planner - Tim Komen - and put this all together in less than three weeks; and so I want to thank them. Because, ah. [Applause].

Um, if you, if you know - ah, some of you may not - but I have only one daughter. Ah, but I have six - seven - children. I have six boys and one daughter. So, I haven’t even had a drink yet [Laughter]. Ah, yeah, um. Yeah. But - um - so for me, this is a very special occasion, for me and I - I am [Emotional Pause]. Ah, you think of all the mistakes you made. Um, she’s my only daughter. So, I get to make mistakes with five sons, and I finally got the sixth one right [Laughter]. I’m very good at it. Now that I’ve got the sixth one, I’m going to get it right [Laughter]. But the first five had to deal with all of my mistakes. Well she had to deal with ALL my mistakes because she was the only one [Pause] I had. And, ah, [Emotional Pause] she was kinda raised like one of the boys. I mean, I’d get her a compound-bow for Christmas [Laughter] because I got six others for the boys. But - ah - ah, I did try - one time - to, ah - I took her to Gettysburg. I’d go to the battle reenactments. And her grandmother made her this wonderful dress - ah - and a bonnet; and it was a reddish, pinkish dress. And she would have nothing to do with it. I spent three days wrestling with her [Laughter]. She’d pull the bonnet off, yank the dress off, she, she just didn’t want to wear it.

But - ah - [Pause] she’s tough. Because she has six brothers. So she’s tough. She - ah - she’s my scuba diving buddy - I decided to stop; I’m not doing the bungee jumping [Laughter]. I’ll watch. Ah [Emotional Pause] I’ve said many times, like, she’s my snake charmer with me. She’ll pick up snakes with me. My boys won’t do that. Ah, people have asked me if I was stranded in the wilderness, who would I want to survive with me? And I’m like, I’ll take Angel! [Laughter]. And so, for me to see her today, that absolute beautiful, feminine - and then I know how tough she is - um, it’s wonderful, a very wonderful feeling.

Ah, um, on Wednesday, I had a very sadness come over me. And I call her mother and I’m just like, “There’s just this sadness here.” I know I’m not the only one who’s thinking this; is not the only father who’s like, you know, could I have told her I loved her a few more times? Could I have told her how beautiful she was more often? And - ah [Emotional Pause] um, a very good friend of mine, who has - ah - five daughters, ah, reminds me of the saying - and this helps me pull me out of that - and the saying is, “A son is a son till he takes a wife. But a daughter is a daughter for her entire life.” And so, Angel, [Emotional Pause] be my daughter your entire life. [Emotional Pause] [Applause].

So ah, I want to let Greg know, you know, this means we have a problem [Laughter]. See this is also Julie and I’s first time being a “parent-in-law”. We’ve never done this before. So what is going to happen? We’re going to make mistakes! [Laughter]. That’s just the way it goes. Ah, I’ll have to tell you, last week your mother-in-law - I don’t even have to say “future mother-in-law” - your mother-in-law said to me, “You know, when they get back from their honeymoon, do you think it’d be appropriate if we tell them we kinda expect seven grandchildren?” [Laughter]. My meter - my mistake meter - goes plush, plush, [Laughter] it’s waving like “Oh, my, I don’t think you want to get things started that way!” That doesn’t sound like the right thing to - conversation to have [Laughter]. And so I went to bat for you. I’m - I went into full-blown negotiations [Laughter]. Ah. I’m sitting there and I’m like, “Oh, my goodness that’s seven mouths to feed, seven backs to clothe, that’s seven heads to put a roof over.” I was hoping Fr. Peter would be here because, I’m like, “That’s seven Villanvoa tuitions to pay for!” [Laughter]. I want to say: Fr. Peter, what is Villanova tuition going to cost in 25 years from now?! [Laughter]. I’m like, “You can’t put that kind of pressure on a young guy. A young family.” But your mother-in-law is TOUGH. I mean negotiating with her - I mean is just, it’s just - I felt like Robert E. Lee at Appomattox with - ah - Ulysses S. Grant at the surrender. You know Grant didn’t even show up. And she wants me to surrender. And I went to bat for you. I’ve been working on it all week. [Laughter]. And I have to tell you, I’ve finally made a breakthrough. This morning, I finally got your mother-in-law to concede in order to keep peace. [Dramatic Pause]. Your mother-in-law said that you can stop at six grandchildren [Laughter]. [Cheers]. So, so, so, with that in mind; I’d like to do a toast to Greg and Angel and my future six grandchildren [Laughter]. Cheers!

7:09 PM EST