About AKSM


Get to know us…

Founded in 2011, AKSM Media started with just a simple press group which would publish stories and papers. Taking our goal to advance all kinds of supplemental mediums - or AKSMs - we soon began to evolve with the addition of a film studio and touring agency. Both additions saw a influx of clients and talent growth. From our founding, AKSM Media was created to give students who had a passion for a career in the entertainment industry a way to live their dreams. From making movies to recording albums, the talent - called “AKSM Members” - did it all. When we had just thought success had its max, we had the idea of creating a fully operational photography studio and media group. AKSM Photography has become our largest success story and was able to bring the AKSM mission to clients from Philadelphia to Washington, DC and New York City. That’s where we are today. A team of dreamers who never stop dreaming and living their dreams who are here to innovate, inform and inspire. So…what’s left to say? Join us!