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Remarks by Jamie Dick at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | July 3, 2020

Remarks by Jamie Dick at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison

Longue Vue Club, Verona, PA

7:11 PM EST

MISS DICK: My name is Jamie and I am Angel’s Maid of Honor. And - um - I’ve known Angel for twelve years; about half of my life. And I remember the first time I met you was at a home-school public speaking co-op, so unintentionally I was preparing for this moment way back then. [Laughter] Um - But I remember you walking in and we didn’t have that many girls in our class - um - it was pretty much just Angel and I; and you came in and you had khaki pants on and a pair of Converses and a heart-print hoodie with thumb-holes [Laughter] and I just thought you were so cool and every time you presented or everything you did, you just had such a bold determination about you and just such a authentic confidence. And it wasn’t the kind of confidence that bordered-lined arrogance that made you feel less of yourself, but it always made you believe more in yourself. [Emotional Pause] That you could be more, and accomplish more; and truly be more than you ever imagined. And her friendship means so much to me and [Pause] just these last twelve years have been phenomenal and I’m so thrilled that she found you Greg; and you guys just fit together so perfectly and whatever gifts or talents or abilities one of you might lack the other one makes up for it in spade. And I’m just so proud of the woman you’re becoming and how much you’ve grown over the last twelve years and - um - I just love you both so much, and I am so proud you and - I just love you so much! [Applause].

7:13 PM EST