Sunday Spotlight: Jordan Sweeto

Welcome to the first Sunday Spotlight in what will hopefully be a semi-weekly (or monthly, we’ll see) tradition! The name does a fairly good job of explaining what this feature will be but Sunday Spotlight is where on a Sunday I will be featuring and discussing someone or something that I feel isn’t getting the attention they deserve. The inaugural person I have chosen is the Youtuber Jordan Sweeto who is mainly known for his animations and music, which he also mixes together in several of his videos. Sweeto is, as of this writing, at 1.23 million subscribers on his main “Jordan Sweeto” channel so while he cannot be considered an “indie creator”, in my experience he is not often discussed nor are his songs covered by other Youtubers like other creators are. Jordan Sweeto’s music has always come off to me as a mix of early-mid 2000’s bands like Sum 41 and more contemporary musicians like Owl City which he directly cites as an influence on his music. The song “Coney Island”, which is also one of my personal favorites of Sweeto, does a great job of exemplifying this mixture of influences while “Shooting Stars” (which also features an expertly done anime-inspired music video) demonstrates how Sweeto isn’t afraid to make his own sound while still drawing inspiration from Owl City in particular. Having never met Jordan Sweeto I only have his vlogs and stories about him at meetups to go off of but they are all extremely positive and he is said to be a genuine and friendly person. His personality along with the quality of his work is what motivated me to help his outreach even if it is only a minuscule amount compared to what he already has. His girlfriend Wolfychu, an even more popular animation-based Youtuber, also has brought her naturally high pitched voice to several of his videos as well as helping him with animations for his videos so in a way, my first Sunday Spotlight is already a bargain for being a two for one deal! Feel free to let me know in the comments what you think of Jordan Sweeto, both good and (constructively) bad and what you think of this Sunday Spotlight feature both good and (constructive criticism) bad!