QVC vs. Amazon


Post By Lauren Brooks

QVC continues to remain the top home shopping company, but Amazon is quickly catching up. What will the future of QVC look like ten years from now?

Technology is continuously changing, updating and evolving. Everyday there are new apps being created and revised versions online functions. Amazon is the world’s largest retailer e-commerce site that delivers products quickly through door to door services. This thriving service platform is extremely successful and has become competition to many e-commerce companies, such as QVC. Amazon’s competition with other e-commerce companies is a major news industry topic that will continue to rise in years to come.

Despite Amazon’s constant growth and prosperity, QVC will not back down and the company continues to create ways to differentiate their online experience from their competitors.

QVC gives shoppers a fun, unique EXPERIENCE. The corporation creates a way for shoppers to enjoy themselves while making monetary decisions and deciding what products or brands are best for them. QVC makes you fall in love with a product and gets you so excited about having it delivered to your house! Watching the company’s live 24 hour broadcasts give authenticity to each product.

The amazing QUALITY of QVC products is also a huge company differentiation between its competitions. I have purchased so many products from their site and I am never disappointed.  The hosts focus on scenery qualities such as site, touch, smell, that you will never get shopping on a site like Amazon. The high quality cameras give you an idea of what the product’s quality and what it may feel like in person. Having an actual person tell a product’s story is better than having it sit on a shelf.

AUTHENTICITY is another important part of QVC’s culture that differentiates them from other companies. There are real people as hosts discussing their experiences with the products and they also take calls from people who have used the products before to tell their stories. This makes people want to purchase the products more because they trust the people selling them! Amazon can never compete with their authenticity. QVC has committed followers and buyers who will consistently purchase products from their sites. The company is moving to social media apps and stories more too which help them reach a larger demographic.

Overall, the competition discussion between Amazon and QVC is never-ending, however, I personally would take a product’s authenticity over quick shipping any day.