Andrew McKeough Tests Positive for COVID-19
Andrew McKeough returns to his residence after testing positive for COVID-19 (Nick Schreder/AKSM Photography).
McKeough said he learned he was positive for the virus after taking the Roche Rapid RT-PCR test Tuesday as a part of his regularly scheduled weekly test.
Article by Maddie Tyler, AKSM News
WAYNE, PA - Andrew McKeough announced Tuesday that he has tested positive for the Omicron variant of COVID-19.
In a statement from his office, his press secretary said that McKeough is symptomatic and feels “fine,” adding that McKeough has been in contact with his medical team.
McKeough said he learned he was positive for the virus after taking the Roche Rapid RT-PCR test Tuesday as a part of his regularly scheduled weekly test. The statement continued by stating that they are still waiting the results of a PCR Lab Test, which we're told will be made available in 36 to 72 hours.
His team said that he likely contracted the virus after “attending a Villanova Woman's Basketball game at the Finneran Pavilion on Sunday.” McKeough's team stated that “while attending indoor gatherings and events such as Sunday's game, McKeough double masks with both a N95 mask and a cloth mask on top of the N95." In reference to Sunday's game, attendees stated that while there is a mask policy in effect, many game attendees were either "not wearing their masks properly or did not have masks visible at all." Villanova Athletics provides masks at all entrances to the Pavilion and encourages attendees to wear their masks at all times while not eating or drinking.
McKeough's team stated that he is following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is isolating for the recommended five days. McKeough is fully vaccinated against the virus and received his booster shot in October.
Andrew McKeough (far right) is seen double masked while talking to family friends who joined him courtside at a basketball game in Villanova’s Finneran Pavilion (Courtesy of Villanova Athletics).