Alex's Picks | Election 2020

Your Guide to Voting in the 2020 Election

Article by Alex Konyk

I get asked a lot, "Why Vote?!" So I thought I'd answer that question for you in my article. I know that by the time you read this, the election may have come and gone, but at least you will - hopefully - leave with some new knowledge! Here are 5 reasons to VOTE!

  • Vote Early

    • A pandemic is among us. Vote early to stay safe and make sure that your vote is counted on election day!

  • Your Vote - Really Does - Count!

    • This election has the chance to come down to the wire. Your vote could be the deciding vote in a major election. You could be the change that the country is looking for.

  • You're Not Just Voting for People

    • When you vote for a candidate, you are also voting for what they stand for or their platform. This platform sets the goals for their term and what they intend to accomplish during their term..

  • It's Bigger Than Just You...

    • Voting is a way to act upon your duty as an American. To be a part of the country. On this day, you are making the decisions. You have the power to do something important that will make history.

  • It's Your Right!

    • You have a right as a citizen of the United States to choose your representatives in government - which includes the President of the United States!