Biden Addresses the Nation in Philadelphia

President Biden delivers remarks outside of Independence Hall in Philadelphia during a primetime speech on the “Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation” on September 1st (Andrew McKeough/AKSM Photography).

In a primetime speech, Biden stressed that the American people have to stand up to this threat and adhere to the laws and institutions that have governed the country since its founding.

Article by Cate McCusker, Senior White House Correspondent

PHILADELPHIA - On Thursday, President Joe Biden visited Philadelphia to address the country on the soul of the nation.

As a red glow lit the walls of Independence Hall and two marines stood at attention behind him, Biden spoke on the threat American democracy is facing today.

“But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault,” he said. “We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”

Biden stressed unity among Americans to face this threat and repeatedly condemned the “MAGA” Republicans. 

“MAGA Republicans have made their choice,” Biden said. “They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live, not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. But together, together, we can choose a different path.”

He spoke on the January 6th insurrection and Trump’s failure to accept the results of the election.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we can’t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American,” Biden said. “They’re incompatible."

He stressed that the American people have to stand up to this threat and adhere to the laws and institutions that have governed the country since its founding.

“American democracy only works only if we choose to respect the rule of law and the institutions that were set up in this chamber behind me,” Biden said. “Only if we respect our legitimate political differences.” 

Biden, ultimately, was urging for politics to return to mutual toleration, the understanding that our political rivals may have different views, but as long as they play by the constitutional rules, they are worthy adversaries and should not be viewed as enemies. And he was clear that the “MAGA” Republicans are not playing by the rules. 

The conflict between Biden supporters and “MAGA” Republicans was evident that evening.

The President urged the nation to stand up to the assault on American democracy from the “MAGA forces,” but only called on “Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans,” to work towards this.

The Democratic politicians of Pennsylvania met Biden’s speech with applause and cheers of approval, but shouts of “Let’s Go Brandon” echoed from protestors outside of the Independence Hall grounds. 

Biden stressed his work with Republicans, saying he has “been able to work with these mainstream Republicans,” leaders across the aisle disagree. Yet hours earlier that day, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated that an assault on democracy was actually coming from “Joe Biden and a politicized DOJ.”

Amid the tension, the controversy, and the hatred that permeates throughout our political atmosphere, Biden emphasized his optimism. He emphasized faith in the soul of the nation, and his belief that the future is bright.

“No matter how long the road, progress does come,” Biden said.

I hope he’s right.