Statement on Andrew McKeough's COVID-19 Status


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | January 4, 2022

Statement on Andrew McKeough's COVID-19 Status

WAYNE, PA - As part of regularly scheduled weekly testing, Andrew McKeough has tested positive for the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.

McKeough was administered a Roche Rapid RT-PCR test and it was positive. As part of his testing, an additional PCR Lab test was ordered and we are currently awaiting the results of that test.

McKeough has become symptomatic with a sore throat, congestion, muscle aches, and fatigue. McKeough has been in contact with his medical team and personal doctor. Overall, McKeough is in high spirits.

McKeough is following their medical advice and following CDC guidelines and isolating for the recommended five days.

McKeough will continue to work remotely from his home this week.

After careful thought and consideration, it is assumed that McKeough was exposed while attending a Villanova Woman's Basketball game at the Finneran Pavilion on Friday. While attending indoor gatherings and events such as Friday's game, McKeough double masks with both a N95 mask and a cloth mask on top of the N95.

Additional updates will be released as more information is made available.
