Statement by Andrew McKeough on the Capitol Attacks


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | January 6, 2021

I was left with a range of emotions today. Sadness, anger, hurt. Today, our nation’s capitol and the primary relic to the institution of democracy in this country and around the world was viciously attacked. It was attacked by its own citizens. Not since 1814 has the capitol’s perimeter been breached, and not since the Civil War has there been this much division over the basic principals of democracy in this country. This needs to stop. Now. Our country has never always been in total agreement over decisions and elections in this country. However, our ability to accept those decisions and trust that our government will do its job and carry out the laws of this country to it’s fullest extent has been a hallmark of American democracy. Some may call this a coup, some may call it domestic terrorism; whatever it is, this can never happen again. Since I was a young child, I was always amazed and admired our country and her democracy. Today, I am left appalled at the actions that were taken. We are all Americans. We are all “[…] one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice […].” Let’s take a moment to remember those words - which most of us spoke each day as children in primary school - and remember the freedoms that our country allows us to have. This is not US. This is not America. The time for politics is over. The elections are over. It is 2021. Let’s move on. Together. As one country.

-Andrew K. McKeough