Remarks by Andrew McKeough at SIJ 50th Celebration


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | October 13, 2019

Remarks by Andrew McKeough at SIJ 50th Celebration

Aronimink Golf Club, Newtown Square, PA

4:05 PM EST

MR. McKEOUGH: Good afternoon my fellow parishioners, Fr. Moreman, family and friends. That you to Father for allowing me to speak today in celebration of Saint Isaac Jogues’ 50th Jubilee Anniversary. What a beautiful afternoon to celebrate something so special. My ten years at Saint Isaac’s were merely a fraction of the spiritually rich history that our parish has.

Today, I want to take this chance the Lord has granted to us today in our church, to welcome each one of you to this occasion and a great time for all of us. Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary since the opening of our parish. Since then each of you here today has left a special mark on the timeline of our parish.

As a parish family, we have organized our programs to align to the wonderful theme that the church chose which reminds us of the greatest calling that Jesus left us to accomplish. We are one in communion with the church, the Lord and each other.

This is a community. We live in a community together where we share our spiritual growth. We have all celebrated baptisms, weddings and even funerals with each other in the church. We have been there for one another when a member of our family falls ills or gets a new job. It is a place that we come together to celebrate and to mourn with one another.

It has been a long journey, but we thank God that we are moving one well. We all sure that in the next 50 years things shall be different than they are today, I can't predict how the church will be at that time. We all pray for the guidance of the Holy spirit so that we can fulfill the purpose of the Lord the church has been given.

As we celebrate together for the years given. May the Love of God be with us always.

God bless.

4:10 PM EST