Remarks by Andrew McKeough on the Election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | November 7, 2020

Remarks by Andrew McKeough on the
Election of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Kamala D. Harris

McKeough Family Residence, Wayne, Pennsylvania

4:02 PM EST

MR. McKEOUGH: Good afternoon! Today is a truly historic day for the nation and the world. Today we have witnessed democracy and the Constitution at work. Over the past four and a half days, we - as a country - have watched on the edges of our seats as a record number of ballots have been counted. Some of which are still being counted; but not enough to change the outcome of the election. Now that the stress and waiting is over, we can see that turnout in this election is historic. More citizens have voted in this election than ever before. Which meant that taking the time to make sure we had the correct number of votes was important. My area of Pennsylvania was as stressful as it seemed as the country watched and you could even feel it in the air.

However, we can officially say that we have a new President-Elect, Joe Biden and a new Vice President-Elect, Kamala Harris. I would like to send my sincere congratulations to both Joe and Kamala and the Biden and Harris families.

Tonight, we celebrate. Tonight, we breathe. But I ask that everyone accept this outcome. We are a nation that is founded on the basic principles of liberty, justice and equality. These principles will be upheld by this new administration. They defined the Biden-Harris campaign. So instead of rioting, looting and protesting; let’s breathe and turn to your neighbor and thank them for participating in the election. It doesn’t matter who you voted for, but rather that you did vote in this historic election.

This is a time to reflect on what we need to do as a country to move forward and rebuild our country after suffering many different crises including an out-of-control pandemic and a recession. Yes. We can celebrate. But we also have to start planning so that on January 20th our nation can begin to heal together, united as one country. We may seem divided right now. While that may be true, we are still one nation. We must come together and work harder together to move our nation forward. The election is over. The time for change is now and change will come.

In the coming weeks and months, the Biden-Harris team will present their outline for the next four years. There will be an uphill battle ahead of them. But not an impossible battle. The next four years will be a term of rebuilding and transformation as we transition into this new normal that we all are learning to live with. Getting ahead of the pandemic and truly flattening the curve is something that will take center stage and I urge everyone to follow the lead of President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris and they help us to navigate this unknown path. I am positive that they are the right people to get the job done.

Our country is at a tipping point. We have dealt with a global pandemic, racial injustice, a recession and so many other issues. But I ask that we all remember one thing. We have stayed united. Though riots and protests have happened. We have put our freedoms on full display and have elected a new administration that will create a new path of hope and certainty in these uncertain times.

I express the best of congratulations and joy from my family, friends and myself to President-Elect Biden, Vice President-Elect Harris, their families and their entire campaign team on this historic victory. I cannot wait to get started on building back a better country. Fired up, ready to go! See you on January 20th!

4:07 PM EST