Remarks by Cole Connelly at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | July 3, 2020

Remarks by Cole Connelly at the Wedding of Angel Wolf and Greg Morrison

Longue Vue Club, Verona, PA

7:17 PM EST

MR. CONNELLY: Whoa. Wow. Okay. Okay! Got a microphone. [Laughter] Everybody’s ready? Okay. So, I guess I’ll start by - ah - telling you guys a story that gets asked quite frequently - ah - how me and Greg spawned our lovely friendship - it’s romantic [Laughter]. So I guess I had to get a ride home from band - well not band practice, I was jumping ahead of myself. I had to get a ride home from Envirothon practice. ‘Cause - ah - [Pause] we were super cool and we decided that that was good idea [Laughter]. Um, and after that, I had to wait for Greg to get ready - ah - for band practice and start doing that. So, you know, it’ll be cool, I’ll be there, I’ll wait around. And then I started doing band and - ah - at that moment, that man introduced me to something that changed my life forever. I was able to travel the world. I went to Europe with him. Just to play music, and it was fantastic, and [Pause] there hasn’t been many new things I’ve encountered that he has not introduced me to. And when someone come into your life like that and you experience all those new things with them and develop a certain bond; that’s really hard [Pause] to describe to anyone else. But I can tell by the way you are looking at me right now that you get it [Laughter]. You hear what I’m saying man. [Emotional Pause] I never thought it would be hard to watch Angel walk down the aisle. Course I didn’t know who it was [Pause] going to be. But I never thought it would be hard to give my best friend [Emotional Pause] to someone else. [Emotional Pause] So Greg; I’m going to keep this short ‘cause I’m not - I’m not doing too well right now [Laughter]. But I’d like everyone to raise a glass [Emotional Pause] for the future of these two beautiful people. And I hope you guys have a great life. [Applause].

7:20 PM EST