Posts tagged Olivia Pasquale
Emily Barkann Gets Political on 'Girl And The Gov, The Podcast'

Journalist Emily Barkann spoke on the need for the “people’s house” to be accessible to the media; something that has become better in the wake of the Trump administration and their goal to limit media access to the West Wing.

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A Look Back at 2022...In Photos

Senior White House Photojournalist Olivia Pasquale takes you on a visual journey through the lens of 2022.

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Zelenskyy Makes Historic Visit to Washington

Zelenskyy expressed gratitude for the United States’ cooperation in their support of Ukraine, and urged Congress and American families to continue their support and aid in this war.

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Katie Feeney is Now Walking the Halls of the White House

Katie Feeney was appointed as White House Social Media Correspondent in hopes to inform a new - and younger - audience on politics.

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First Lady Jill Biden Unveils 2022 White House Holiday Decorations

First Lady Jill Biden reveals the official theme of this year’s holiday decorations at the White House: We The People; which focuses on the history and traditions of everyday Americans.

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Pennsylvania Democrats Hold Third Annual Independence Dinner

President Biden and Vice President Harris were among the list of top party officials who attended the dinner.

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Remembering Flight 93: 21 Years Later

Hundreds gathered at the crash site of Flight 93 to honor the heroes who fought back on September 11, 2001.

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