Remarks by Trey Kennedy on the Graduation of Lauren Kirkpatrick


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | April 25, 2021

Remarks by Trey Kennedy on the Graduation of Lauren Kirkpatrick

MR. KENNEDY: What is up Lauren?! Lauren Kirkpatrick, it’s Trey Kennedy here, congratulations! Um, I understand it’s been a minute but you graduated – top of your class by the way. Sarah told me all about it, that’s right, she’s like “top-of-her-class!” Ah, wet-West Chester University, marketing major, communications minor and of course 2020 was like – didn’t let us do anything. So graduation’s postponed and now it’s happening. So I am here to say congratulations – hope the graduation ceremony goes great! The whole celebrations – whatever it is. Congrats, you killed it, the vibes are up, you’re a beast, go rams! From Sarah and Trey, Lauren…do your thanggggggg!


Video remarks can be viewed here.