2022 Holiday Address by Andrew McKeough


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release | December 25, 2022

2022 Holiday Address by Andrew McKeough

McKeough Family Residence, Wayne, Pennsylvania

Good morning and happy Christmas to all of our friends and family! Today, we celebrate once more the birth of Christ as we celebrate with family and friends. But on this day, more than any other, we must remember those who are less fortunate and those who don’t have a home to celebrate with tonight. They say that home is where the heart is. That couldn’t be truer than for our family. So today, our family opens our hearts and minds to those who don’t have home or are struggling with their home. Christmas is a time of giving; and today, think about those who are in need, or are mourning the loss of a loved one who made their home a true home, those who live in the darkness of war, and all of those who are struggling this holiday season. As we take the day and the coming week to reflect, we think about what 2022 brought us and look towards 2023 as a fresh beginning to set out on new adventures as we leave the darkness of the past few years behind us. No matter where you are, may you be at home or far from your home this holiday season, we hope that you, your family, and your friends enjoy your holiday and from my family to yours, we wish you a merry, bright, and blessed Christmas and a joyful year ahead!

-Andrew K. McKeough